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OK Shift: Manage your workplace shifts via text message

OK Shift: Manage your workplace shifts via text message

October 28, 2014 2:15 pmComments are Disabled

The idea was simple: why isn’t there a good system for hourly workers (60% of the US workforce) to swap their shifts out via text message?

Enter OK Shift, a text message-only based system that allows hourly workers to swap their shifts via text message, and get those swaps approved by managers. The system allows for shift management, directory management, the ability for managers to call off a shift or call in workers, and more importantly to communicate with the entire team at once via group chat.


It all works by texting the number 513-OK-SHIFT (513-657-4438) and the system prompts you through the rest: posting shifts, adding coworkers, adding managers to approve, and broadcasting.

On the technical side, it uses the Twilio API with a PHP/MySQL backend (like all my projects). It’s free for now, but eventually I want to add a paid scheduling layer on top of the system for management.

Try it out!

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