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What kind of influencer do I want to be?

What kind of influencer do I want to be?

March 25, 2019 9:08 pmComments are Disabled

Open question for my readers as I continue to learn lessons from my experiment in growing an Instagram following: what kind of influencer do I want to be?

It clearly isn’t enough to just get followers. You have to get engagement as well. And engagement means compelling content and an audience that wants it.

I have some cool photos, but what will really sell the feed is the story around it.

So I’ve debated being a generic ‘travel’ influencer but that’s boring. Food is cool but I’m not going to spend as much as I need to spend to take the pictures.

I got a suggestion that I should try something very, very niche. Like ‘guy who eats eggs.’

Anyway, would love it if you were to visit me on Instagram and let me know what you think would work!

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