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The Slippery Slope

The Slippery Slope

The most disturbing story to come out of the news of late has not been the Michael Pfelger videos (although, unlike Wright, he has managed to issue a somewhat sincere apology).  Lost in the Politico’s election analysis and the media’s echo chamber has been a little-noticed story about Dunkin’ Donuts, who just pulled an ad from the air which included Rachel Ray wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Arabic scarf.

Facing severe criticism that the wearing of the scarf was symbolic support for Islamic terrorism, Dunkin’ Donuts, as the BBC reports, issued a statement that the scarf was not intended to offend and that “given the possibility of misperception the commercial was no longer being used.”

What misperception?  The wearing of a traditional dress, cultural dress, is somehow a support of Islamic extremism?  Conservative bloggers have pointed out, correctly, that the scarf was worn by Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian liberation movement until his death in 2004, and is routinely worn by Islamic extremists and Palestinian nationalists.

True.  But the scarf is also worn by millions of Arabs, and non-Arabs, around the world, and an overwhelming majority of them would rather not perform extreme and violent acts of terror, thank you very much.  Most people who wear the keffiyeh are not extremists, and are certainly not terrorists (and I’m sure Rachel Ray would agree).

Not only do Arabs wear the keffiyeh, but Urban Outfitters sold the scarves until January 2007, when, responding to public pressure, they pulled it from the shelves.  In their statement:  “We apologize if we offended anyone, this was by no means our intention.”

What’s next?  The pulling of Middle East products off store shelves?  The sacking of Arab journalists?

This is symbolic of a much larger undercurrent of American Islamophobia that has swept the United States (and much of Europe) since before September 11.  Indicators of this movement have been rampant: Brigitte Bardot’s incendiary anti-Muslim comments that recently got her fined, riots in the streets of Paris, the Danish cartoon fiasco and of course, conservative commentators’ incessant ranting about the “Muslim problem.”  Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are especially to blame.

Of course, now that Barack Obama, a black man with the middle name Hussein, is running for president, the ugliest of the hatred of Muslims in America has come out in full force.  In all the talk about racism in this Democratic primary season, the mainstream commentary has forgotten about the real issue of race in this election—not whether Obama is “too black” to be President, but whether or not he is a Muslim.

It was Barack Hussein Obama’s connection to Islam—through his father—that led to the Fox report, later proved to be false, that Obama had attended a radical Islamic school as a schoolboy in Indonesia.  It was this false religiosity that led to the famous “Madrassa Hoax” email, which circulated the internet widely in the early months of the primary and has since emerged again.  The email implored Americans “Let us all remain alert concerning Obama’s expected presidential candidacy,” and that “The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level – through the President of the United States, one of their own!”

Remember Hillary Clinton’s famous “3AM” ad, in which she asked who would best be able to answer a 3AM phone call to the White House in the midst of a catastrophe?  Orlando Patterson wrote for the New York Times that the ad played on subtle racism and the classic white fear of “the outsider within”—the criminal black man infiltrating the safe neighborhood:  “The danger implicit in the phone ad — as I see it — is that the person answering the phone might be a black man, someone who could not be trusted to protect us from this threat.”  However, the more subtle sub-message, the one that did not have to be stated, was the fact that “Something is happening in the world,” and the terrorists behind that “something”—well, you get the picture.  The very idea that a Muslim—a guy who shares a name with the late Iraqi dictator—could be the one answering that call in the White House came across clear enough.  Clinton’s margin of victory in Ohio, much larger than the pre-election polls, suggest that late-deciding voters broke for her, and whether the subtlety of the “3AM” ad had something to do with this final push will never be known for sure.

A Pew poll taken in late March found that one in ten Americans believe that Obama is a Muslim.  The number is telling in part because 10% of Democrats—most of whom already were Clinton supporters—believed this fact, and because 8% of Independents—a group who Obama needs to depend on to win the election in November—believes it as well.  Furthermore, a whopping 19% of rural voters—that’s one in five—believed this to be true.

The fact that the son of a Muslim Kenyan joined a radical black Chicago church, and then stayed in that church for 20 years, does not help diminish the rumor that he is a Muslim.  America is familiar with images of radical black Muslims like Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan, and should now be equally familiar with Jeremiah Wright’s praise of Farrakhan.  The tendency to equate Islam with radicalism of course has been swollen since 9/11.  But the underlying assumption is that it is Islam that implies radicalism—not blackness.  The fear of Islam “penetrating” American society cannot be understated.

It is disturbing that I have received these emails about “Barack Hussein Obama” being a “secret muslim” who “joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background.”  These claims are not only outright false, but they force Obama to sink to the level of divisiveness by having to respond.  “No, I’m not a Muslim!” he has had to say, as if being a Muslim were somehow like being a bunny eater.  Such stringent, politicized denial only reinforces the claims, not diminishes them.  It reminds me of the high schooler who insists “I’m not gay!” when he is hit with the G-word in a routine downsizing of his character by his peers.  (Harry Truman, when we was running for a judicial seat in Missouri, was rumored to be Jewish due to his close ties with a Jewish childhood friend and business partner.  “I’m not Jewish,” he is reported to have said, “and if I was, I wouldn’t be ashamed of it.”)

This is a major problem, and one that shows no sign of letting up.  Let the keffiyeh remind us that hatred of Muslims has increased in recent years.  How would America respond if, tomorrow, a skullcap-toting news anchor stepped down because “given the possibility of misperception Mr. ____ will no longer be working with us,” because, after all, “we don’t want anyone to think that we work with Jews.”  It’s unacceptable.

Milton Friedman wrote that in the long run, the free market will work against discrimination.  It’s in the best interest of industry economically, he said, for employers to seek the most qualified people regardless of race, religion, gender, etc.  However, the free market in this case has spoken in another direction:  “Don’t sell this item because people associate it with terrorism, and thus we will lose business if we keep it on the shelves”–this might be good business, but morally it stinks of bigotry.  The underlining assumption is fed, not starved, and thus the evil wheel of bigotry continues to turn, turn, turn.

June 3, 2008Comments are DisabledRead More
Six Degrees…the Apocalypse, Now

Six Degrees…the Apocalypse, Now

Massive tsunamis.  Sinking cities.  Mass hunger, limited food, uninhabitable climates and the devastation of the earth’s most productive biomes.  These are what Mark Lynas predicts for an earth that is just an average of 6 degrees Celsius warmer, in his new book Six Degrees.  What is so scary is that, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a six degree increase in global temperature is possible within the next century (albeit, it is on the high end of estimates).

In a slew of research, Lynas charts, apocalyptically, the path the earth will take if current trends in carbon dioxide emissions continue.  One degree at a time, gradually, the natural mechanisms that keep the world’s climate in place, the subtle changes in tropical temperatures, ocean temperatures, rainfall and polar melting will send the weather into overdrive.  Massive hurricanes like Hurricane Katrina will be small compared to the “hyperstorms” expected by mid-century.  Wide food shortages are to be expected, as the world’s agricultural centers in North America and South Asia will become dryer and less arable, and many agricultural operations will be aborted by soil acidity from rising oceans.  Mountain glaciers, which serve as hearts to great river arteries which provide water to the some of the world’s biggest cities–Lima, Peru and Karachi, Pakistan among them–will melt, leaving millions of people without drinking water and looking for somewhere to live.  As the polar ice caps melt, faster each decade due to a positive ice albedo feedback, ocean levels will rise, and costal cities–most of the world’s cities–will be in a situation similar to New Orleans the past century.  Capable of saving the city, yes, but incapable of preventing a storm from breeching the levies.

The scariest prospect of a warmer future is the massive migrations that will be taking place, and accompanied with food shortages, the political extremism that is bound to occur.  Millions of Africans, looking for food after their already paltry agricultural supply goes dry, will want entry into more developed nations, whose technology might have their people living large for many years to come.  Of course, more immigration means more discrimination, more marginalization.  “Climate revolutionaries” will blame industrial nations for their role in causing their suffering, and some of these climate revolutionaries in some of the worst hit nations–India and Pakistan to be precise–will be armed with nuclear weapons and will be under political pressure to use them.

Six Degrees is indeed apocalyptic, but it does not seem entirely exaggerated.  With even one degree of warming, something that almost unanimously scientists agree will be reached by mid-century, changes in climate will make ocean waters rise, and storms will intensify.  Warmer oceans do not absorb oxygen as well, and thus the oceans, the home of millions of phytoplankton (source of one half of all the world’s primary photosynthesizing biomass) will become devoid of a necessary ingredient to life.  With carbon dioxide-absorbing phytoplankton dying, it is only a matter of time before carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, and the cycle starts to feed on itself.

But, on the bright side, best case humans will be living on Mars by then, and everyone will be able to generate their own food using Star Trek-style replicators, and everything will be dandy.  Of course, worst case, as people start tearing apart every building looking for food, there’s little chance scientists and teachers and even governments will be able to operate, meaning the progress of technology will slow to a stop and we’ll enter the dark ages.  But at least we’ll be alive, right?  Well, given the exponential destruction of species in tropical rainforests and the extent to which our food chain is becoming killed from the bottom up, that doesn’t even seem to be very likely.

What is scary to me is that in my lifetime, I might actually see some of the greatest cities this world has ever known swallowed up by the oceans.  In the meantime, the world will be consumed by political extremism and worse, religious fanaticism.

It’s dangerous to jump to conclusions, and worse of all, to throw millions of dollars into solving the wrong problem (we don’t even know if it can be solved).  But major science is needed right now to develop clean energy alternatives that are cost competitive with fossil fuels, which futurist Ray Kurzweil sees happening in the next 20 years.  Carbon fuel sources have to be replaced eventually, and ways of sucking up the excess carbon dioxide have to be developed.

I think that this book should be read by anyone interested in the long-term, and short-term, effects of climate change.  Even if it seems a bit exaggerated, it is certainly worth contemplating what could happen to the planet–and the human species–if current warming trends continue.

And as for the politics of the matter, I don’t really get if it’s worth debating who is causing the problem.  Even if the problem isn’t caused by humans, isn’t it still worth trying to solve?  Our very species, after all, may be at stake.

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Where’s the Sexism?

Where’s the Sexism?

With the DNC Florida and Michigan compromise decided, thousands of Clinton supporters are claiming that their voices aren’t heard.  Hundreds protested at the Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting Saturday in Washington, and countless others watched from across the country as their candidate was effectively blocked in her last effort to secure the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

The most outrageous claim that has been made so far in this process, from feminists to Bill Clinton to protesters on the street, is that Hillary has been the victim of good-old-fashioned misogyny.  Sexism, they claim, has been tearing their candidate’s chances apart from the moment she started her run.  The media is out to get her, Bill Clinton says.  “Women are never front-runners,” writes Gloria Steinem back in January.

I don’t buy it.  For one, Hillary Clinton was the front-runner for the Democratic nomination.  She was the front-runner in a big way–no one thought she could lose.  Back in 2007, when she was front-runner, she supported the decision of the DNC to withhold Florida’s and Michigan’s delegates because they had broken the party’s rules by moving their primaries earlier than February 5.  She didn’t think that it would matter.  Now that she needs those delegates to have a shot at the nomination, she claims that the people in Florida are victims of a Mugabe-level conspiracy to disenfranchise voters.  Suddenly, human rights are being violated.  And somehow, Clinton supporters have convinced themselves that sexism–not bad campaigning, a bad candidate or a bad decision by the Florida and Michigan Democratic committees–is responsible for Hillary’s downfall.

Sexism has certainly played a role in this campaign.  The “Bros before Hoes” t-shirts and the misogynist comments by some members of the media and the Hillary Nutcracker all reveal an ugly truth about American society…and how unwilling some people are to see a woman in the white house.  But to claim that these forces undid Hillary Clinton’s campaign, when there were a host of other factors, including a terrible front-loaded, ignore-the-caucuses campaign strategy, an incompetent staff and an irate, divisive ex-President, is to ignore the realities of the political process.  Barack Obama is winning, fair and square.  He’s winning despite racially charged ads and Reverend Wright and the Madrassa email hoax and the Muslim rumor and the countless “Osama/Obama” gaffes on TV.  To claim that Hillary Clinton is a victim of sexism–and moreover, to claim that that sexism is perpetrated by Barack Obama–is being a sore loser.

It is not sexism to deny Hillary Clinton the nomination.  If she campaigned hard, won more states and more delegates, and then saw the nomination handed to another candidate–that would be sexism.  If she ran for the nomination as a heavy favorite and then lost primary after primary despite being ahead in the polls–then you could question if sexism truly played a factor.

But she’s going to lose fair and square.  And that’s what equality is.  In a world that recognizes no difference between the sexes, good candidates can be both men and women, and bad candidates can damn well be women as well as men.  Isn’t that the end goal?  A world where a qualified woman can run seriously for President and lose fairly?  Not because she’s a woman, but because the voters decided she isn’t the best person for the job.  And in this nominating process, the voters have spoken.

June 1, 2008Comments are DisabledRead More